Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The 10th Wine Tasting (2012-07-13) - Italy - (White)

When Italian wines are mentioned, it always remind me Roman Empire. I can almost say that the wine making history in Europe can be related closely to Roman Empire. Interesting fact, Etruscans and Greek settlers produced wine in Italy before the Romans started their own vineyards in the 2nd century BC.

Italy is one of the top five countries in wine production; both quality and quantity of Italian wines are sufficient. Even though, Italian wines have good reputation for red wines (such as Barolo, Toscana, Chianti, etc), white wines are integral parts of Italian wine productions.

The climate of Italy includes Continental in the north, Mediterranean in the middle , and very hot in the south. There are more than 500 grape verities in Italy, and almost each town has its own grape variety (see map).

classification system of Italian wines
Table Wines:
  • Vino da Tavola (VDT)
  • Indicazione Geografica Tipica (IGT)
Quality Wine Produced in a Specific Region (QWPSR):
  • Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC)
  • Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG)
VDT simply means that the wine is made in Italy, a basic wine, made for local consumption. IGT wines are from a more specific region in Italy. This appellation was created in 1992, considered to be of higher quality than simple table wines, but not necessary to mean it's better than VDT. For example, Super Tuscan were labeled as VDT. Wine region of DOC and DOCG are more specific than IGT (similar idea to Cru or single vineyard).

Wine Lists:
1. 2010 Jermann Vinnaioli Pinot Grigio Venezia Giulia IGT (#3)
  gas, not fruity; acid; light body. very simple and balance

2. 2010 Michele Chiarlo Gavi Le Marne (Cortese)
  honey and floral; low acid; light body. a very simple wine

3. 2011 Conte Ferdinando Guicciardini Vermentino Massi di Mandorlaia Maremma Toscana IGT (VERMENTINO)
  Pale yellow, light fruity aromas and hint of fresh fish from river.

4. 2010 Rampa di Fugnano Vernaccia di San Gimignano Alata DOCG (VERNACCIA) (#2)
  Golden yellow, fruity and high acid. a simple and elegant one.

5. 2008 La Tunella Colli Orientali del Friuli Biancosesto DOC (#1)
  Oaky, creamy and smokey; a full body wine and it is so balanced; I can just drink it, or make a perfect pair with butter seared skate.

6. 2011 Tenuta Olim Bauda Moscato d'Asti Centive DOCG
  This is a bottle of Moscato (Muscat), and very aromatic; honey and lavender on nose. A very nice sweet ending.

The purpose of classification system is for quality wine productions. It's very useful but not necessary to persist in the higher class of wines.

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