Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tasting Note: Meritage (2013-03-20)

After I mentioned the Bordeaux blend, it just remained me an American blend that I have never tried, Meritage. Therefore, I went to the store nearby and found these two bottles.

Meritage is the registered US trademark combined with "Merit" and "Heritage", so wineries must pay to label on their wines. A red Meritage wine must include at least two of the following: Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Petit Verdot, Malbec and Carménère. A white Meritage wine must include at least two of the following: Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon, and Muscadelle. All grape varieties listed are the same as Bordeaux-style blend wines.

上一篇提到了Bordeaux blend,正好提醒我Meritage就是美國的Bordeaux-style blend. Meritage是去年底朋友跟我推薦的,我一直沒有去嘗試。兩著的共通點就是所用的葡萄種類都包含Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Petit Verdot, Malbec and Carménère。當然,Meritage不只紅酒。Bordeaux-style的白酒一樣叫做Meritage。Meritage是註冊商標,想要使用的酒莊必須支付費用(我是感覺不出使用這個商標的必要性,多半是為了市場,不是品質保證)。


I started to drink them on Sunday, and I have drunk them 4 days. The third day was the best.
  This is a high tannin, medium acidity wine, and bitter after taste. It was not really balanced until I ate some heavy food. It's really fruity in scent, medium body, off-dry. I can't say it is a bad wine, but nothing remarkable to me. For its price, I think it is easy to be accepted by most people as table wine.

  This one is also tannic, off-dry, medium to full body wine. This bottle is slightly well-balanced compare with the first bottle. A hint of vanilla can be detected. It's fruity but ambiguous; somehow, it reminds me the Australian Syrah, a menthol kind of sweetness.

In general, these two bottles (this kind?) are lack of complexity; however, it gathers the advantages of each grape variety, which makes it easygoing and a good friend of dinning tables.

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