Thursday, March 21, 2013

The 5th Wine Tasting (2012-03-02) - France (Loire Valley)- (White)

The Loire Valley, follows the Loire River, is an important wine region in west France. Loire river flows from east to west about 1000 kilometers long. From west to east, the climate progressively changes from maritime climate to continental climate. Various soil and climate have added vivid element to wines from Loire Valley.

In Upper Loire, Sauvignon Blanc is dominated; Sancerre and Pouilly-Fumé are represented. The first two bottles are Sauvignon blanc from these two regions.
In Middle Loire, the major variety is Chenin Blanc;  are represented. We have three bottles of Chenin blanc from Vouvray.
In Lower LoireMelon de Bourgogne grape is dominated, and it is also known as Muscadet. For consistency, the Chenin blanc from Savennières(Lower, but close to Middle Loire) was selected.

Lorie Valley 是位於法國西偏北的產區,沿著Loire河蜿蜒近一千公里,所以氣候土壤變化也大,同時也讓葡萄酒增添不少風味。這區以白葡萄酒最為出名,上游區以Sauvignon Blanc為主,Sancerre和Pouilly-Fumé為代表,Sauvignon Blanc一栽種方法不同,釀出來的酒可以從奔放的熱帶水果到冰冷青澀的草原,我個人比較偏好這種葡萄的多變性;中游區以Chenin Blanc為主,這也可以算是Loire Valley最具代表性的葡萄種;下游區則以Muscadet最負盛名,同時又有採用跟香檳區相同的釀造技術,氣泡酒也小有名氣。很可惜這次沒有機會嚐到,依然選擇了 Chenin Blanc,不過這也是為了主題的一致性,上中下游都有代表,風格也不會差異太大。

(picture is not in taste order)
1. 2009 Domaine Gerard Fiou Sancerre (Sauvignon Blanc)
  It smelled sweet but tasted dry; a hint of papaya (some people said gas). It is also concentrated.

2. 2009 Michel Redde et fils Pouilly-Fumé La Moynerie (Sauvignon Blanc)
  From its scent, I can tell it's a mineral wine, and it is. very concentrated wine with hint of gooseberry, and fresh cut grass after taste.

3. 2009 Château de Valmer Vouvray (Chenin Blanc)
  Tasted sweet(off-dry); bit mineral; smooth

4. 2009 Champalou Vouvray (Chenin Blanc)
  Very grassy...(I was not ready for the wine, but I'm now.)

5. 2010 Huët Vouvray Demi-Sec Le Haut-Lieu (Chenin Blanc)
  Smelled like fresh fish from the river; Oily texture; high acidic.

6. 2008 Domaine des Baumard Savennières (Chenin Blanc)
  This one probably was aged in oak. waxy texture, not fruity at all, petrol, maize silk boiled in water. Some people like it, but I'm not a fan.

In general, I like Sauvignon blanc.
I would like to try Chenin blanc from Middle Loire again. Also, some Muscadet and sparkling from Lower Loire.

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