Thursday, March 14, 2013

The 1st Wine Tasting (2011-11-18) - Chile - (White)

This was my first wine tasting of my wine club back in 2011. Unfortunately, I lost my original tasting sheet, so I lost my notes. Look on the bright side, I can taste Chilean white wines again to make up my lost notes.

A little bit story of Chilean wines.

Chile has been a wine producing country since 16th century. vines are imported by Catholic from Peru, California and mostly directly from Spain. Chilean wines are limited to domestic markets until 1980s,  and then started exporting wines. Chilean wines are known as good-value wines, good quality wines with decent price.

Major grape varieties are Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot based wines, Carmenere, Chardonnay, and Sauvignon Blanc. More importantly, Carmenere is the grape variety widely grown in Bordeaux, but shrived in Chile.



智利紅酒主要為Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot 及Carmenere。當中Cabernet Sauvignon種植面積最廣。值得一題的是Carmenere,Carmenere為波爾多地區的葡萄種,但卻在智利發跡。白酒的葡萄品種以Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc為主,這次品酒的也是以這兩個品種為主 。

Unfortunately, my tasting notes are gone, I will share more information when I taste Chilean wines in the future.

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