Sunday, March 24, 2013

The 7th Wine Tasting (2012-05-04) - Spain (Rioja) - (Red)

I still can remember my first red wine; I didn't like it, but I don't remember why? Either my dad added water to my wine, or it's not possible that an elementary school kid would like wines. However, I do remember when and where I started to enjoy wines again. CORRAL DE LA MORERÍA in 2005, the restaurant in Madrid where I discovered the joy of wines; a Spanish Wine. 2008, my friend bought me a bottle of US Tempranillo, and I knew I'm close. 2011, a gift from Rioja guided me to the endless journey.


The major wine regions in Spain includes Rioja, Ribera del Duero, Priorat, etc. Rioja is the most important and famous wine region in Spain. The name Rioja came from the Oja River (el Rio Oja), a tributary of Ebro River. The winemaking history can trace back to Roman times. It was awarded DO (Denominación de Origen) status in 1925, and upgraded to the highest status, DOCa (Denominación de Origen Calificada) in 1991.

很有趣的是,歐洲很多釀酒大國的故事都可以追朔到羅馬時期。現在,在這些國家,葡萄酒不是奢侈品,是生活的一部分。我相信西班牙也受到其影響。西班牙主要的產酒區有Rioja, Ribera del Duero, Priorat,當中以Rioja為首。以生產紅酒為主,主要的葡萄是Tempranillo, 也有blend Garnacha (Grenache) 增添風味、平衡性。依照氣候土讓,Rioja也分成三區,高海拔的屬於大陸型氣候,低海拔的比較接近地中海型氣候。越冷葡萄越酸,生長季短,熟程度較低;反之亦然。因此,此區的葡萄酒極具變化性。

Tempranillo brings the fame to Rioja. The best vineyard site has the clay and limestone based soil. Temperature, soil, and administrative reasons divied Rioja into three sub-region: Rioja Alta, Rioja Alavesa, and Rioja Baja.
Rioja Alta: Alta (high) means higher elevation, which also means shorter growing season, where belongs to continental climate. The wine in this region is known as old world style, lighter and unripe fruit flavors.
Rioja Alavesa: similar to Rioja Alta, it's more like continental climate; however, poorer soil conditions results in lower density of vineyards. wines have fuller body and higher acidity.
Rioja Baja: unlike Rioja Alta and Alavesa, rioja Baja locates at lower elevation and strongly influenced by Mediterranean climate. It is hotter and drier; as a result, wines have deeper color, higher alcohol, and lower acidity and aroma.

1. 2010 Marqués de Cáceres Rioja Blanco (Viura)
  fruity; high acidity; a decent wine for its price
2. 2007 Bodegas Sierra Cantabria Rioja Crianza (Tempranillo)
  Decent young wine; spicy; fruity but subtle berries aroma
3. 2007 Viña Eguía Rioja Reserva (Tempranillo)
  Dark color; high tannin and acid; medium body.
4. 2005 Bodegas y Viñedos del Contino Rioja Contino Reserva (Tempranillo Blend, Tempranillo)
  Terrific.... I lost my words... (longer in barrel added stronger aromas; blend with Garnacha/Grenache)

Lebaling Laws:
Crianza: red wines are aged for 2 years; white for 1 year
Reds: at least 6 months in oak
Whites and Rosés: at least 6 months in oak
Reserva: red wines are aged for at least 3 years; white for 2 years
Reds: at least 1 year in oak.
Whites and Rosés: at least 6 months in oak.
Gran Reserva: red wines are aged at least 5 years aging; white 4 years
reds: at least 18 months in oak
Whites and Rosés: at least 6 months in oak.

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